Category Archives: House and Yard

Protected: Some August Stuff.

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Posted in Cats and more cats, Domesticity!, Friends, House and Yard, Let's Talk About Me, Nature!, Parentals, Running, Training | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Armageddon

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Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, HoneyBear, House and Yard | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: The Sky Fell

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Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Nature! | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: BEES!

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Posted in House and Yard, Stupid stuff | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: SNAPPER!

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Posted in 2012 > 2011 to the max., HoneyBear, House and Yard, Nature! | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Yard Update

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Posted in House and Yard, Nature! | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Of course I worked nights and then the weekend, duh.

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Posted in House and Yard, Lame. Work., Nature!, Random Fun things | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: This might have been my longest blog lapse

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Posted in 2012 > 2011 to the max., Cats and more cats, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Nature!, Parentals | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Nothing new here…

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Posted in House and Yard, Random Fun things | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Yardy weekend

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Posted in Cats and more cats, Domesticity!, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Nature! | Enter your password to view comments.