Category Archives: Lame. Work.

Gobble Gobble

Since I have actually seen a turkey in person, the turkey’s #struggle is real. However, that, nor my desire to not make people who don’t need to work on holidays work on holidays, stopped us from ordering delicious Boston Market … Continue reading

Posted in Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, Family Time, Friends, Lame. Work., Parentals | Leave a comment


I worked nights last week, and then I worked the weekend. Saturday morning, when I drove to work between 2 and 3am, I noticed there were way more cars on the road than usual. I stopped at Tim Horton’s for … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Nature!, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Week Off, Recent Yard Stuff

OH MY GOD, THIS BLOGGING MARATHON IS GROWING SO TIRESOME! I’m going to power through though, as it was a goal of my staycation. Last Saturday, we went to Tiffin for a cookout at Brian’s Uncle Jim and Aunt Beth’s…soooo … Continue reading

Posted in Catch the Fever, Domesticity!, Family Time, Friends, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Nature!, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Meltdown!, Zoo with Rando and Lis, June Yard Stuff

Mid-June, I made a Cathy-style radioactive mess at work. For my readership with the same job as me, here’s a (decayed, obvs) vial that spent time in the hotbox: So that sucked. SUCH A MESS! Anyway, after I got off … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Family Time, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Random Fun things, San Fran! | Leave a comment


Friday was our 1-year Isotraciversary!

Posted in Lame. Work., Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Rain Tribute

This past week, I got to take Tuesday off to go to the last class of the Master Gardener Volunteer class…for this I had to agree to take call Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, which made me sad. It turned out … Continue reading

Posted in Cats and more cats, Family Time, Lame. Work., Master Gardener Volunteer, Parentals, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

The Cold Time

It was snowing the big snow while I wrote the last entry. It snowed a lot. We had to shovel many times. The National Weather Service said Toledo got 13 inches during that storm. Here are some pictures I took … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, Computadoros, Friends, Lame. Work., Parentals, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Ugh, blogging.

So it’s been 200 years since I blogged last. I attribute this to general lethargy and/or laziness. Also, I’ve been very boring lately, other than some shitty shit happening. Let’s see…where to start. I think maybe I went to some … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Christmas!, Family Time, Friends, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Let's Talk About Me, Parentals, Stupid stuff | 1 Comment

My new bathroom

Since Cathy was let go at work, I am the only woman amongst men. Here’s the door to the ladies’ room:

Posted in Lame. Work., Random Fun things | Leave a comment

Keuka Lake 2013

Kim invited me to go to her Great Aunt Jean’s house on Lake Keuka in New York again this year. In exchange for a couple of hours of planting, I get to spend a relaxing weekend with a pal on … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, Lame. Work., Let's Talk About Me, Nature!, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment