Category Archives: Let’s Talk About Me

Snow, March basketball, and (hopefully) no more snow

So there’s been a lot of basketball action since I blogged last. I love the Lady Rockets, but at a certain point (right after that last blog post), I was like, “Oh dear sweet baby Jesus, just let this season … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, HoneyBear, Let's Talk About Me, Nature!, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Ugh, blogging.

So it’s been 200 years since I blogged last. I attribute this to general lethargy and/or laziness. Also, I’ve been very boring lately, other than some shitty shit happening. Let’s see…where to start. I think maybe I went to some … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Christmas!, Family Time, Friends, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Let's Talk About Me, Parentals, Stupid stuff | 1 Comment

Keuka Lake 2013

Kim invited me to go to her Great Aunt Jean’s house on Lake Keuka in New York again this year. In exchange for a couple of hours of planting, I get to spend a relaxing weekend with a pal on … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, Lame. Work., Let's Talk About Me, Nature!, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Superusing fool

Up until, like, 2003, I thought fall was my favorite season. Then I started realizing that fall is when all my plants die, it gets cold, the sun goes away, and my SAD starts. I always hated winter, because, you … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Domesticity!, Friends, House and Yard, I'm so patriotic., Lame. Work., Let's Talk About Me, My fat ass, Running | 3 Comments

I can’t. This past day – I just can’t.

So I talked for days about how I was going to sob at the Lady Rocket Senior Night game. I managed to mostly keep it together last night, mostly because during the little Senior Night ceremony, I busied myself with … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, Cats and more cats, Family Time, HoneyBear, Let's Talk About Me, Parentals, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff | 1 Comment

Oh, nothing, just going to watch a men’s basketball game in Muncie with my boss in a couple of hours…

I was originally supposed to be off Thursday and Friday this week, since I worked last weekend, but I was able to weasel into having yesterday and today off. This is the first time in several years that I didn’t … Continue reading

Posted in 2013...Get it together., Biggest Loser, Catch the Fever, Cats and more cats, Delicious Meals and Food, GROUNDHOG EXTRAVAGANZA!!!, Let's Talk About Me, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment

Grumpy Cat.

Posted in Cats and more cats, Let's Talk About Me | Leave a comment


As we’ve already discussed, it’s Christmas card season. I do so enjoy getting other people’s less awesome (than our) Christmas photos and cards…I do NOT enjoy getting weird Christmas cards from my estranged mother. I looked at the envelope and … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Christmas!, Friends, I'm so patriotic., Let's Talk About Me, My fat ass, Stupid stuff | 1 Comment

I’m Alive!

I survived my wisdom teeth surgery…so far, anyway. I remember the laughing gas and the surgeon dude saying I’d feel a slight pinch as he put the IV in, but there was no counting down backwards or any of that … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, HoneyBear, Let's Talk About Me, Pharmacy!, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

My First Whole30…You can probably skip this post.

Tuesday was Day 30 of my Whole 30. I really was tempted to get fast food (or any food really) on Monday when I was in Tiffin for Brian’s migraine, but I didn’t…I made it 30 whole days without any … Continue reading

Posted in Delicious Meals and Food, Let's Talk About Me, My fat ass, Training, Whole30 | Leave a comment