Monthly Archives: February 2016

Cats Cats Cats

Another catch-all post, this time full of cats! Here’s Brian charming multiple cats: Brian charming a different permutation of cats: Here’s Walter enjoying his time captaining the fish-ship: …and Alley doing the same: Here’s our flounder regurgitating a large feline: … Continue reading

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Brian’s Birthday

For Brian’s birthday, we went on 3 Behind-The-Scenes tours at the Zoo.  It was a long day, but very cool.  The first was of the recently-renovated Aquarium.  During the Aquarium renovation, the shell of the building was kept, but the … Continue reading

Posted in HoneyBear, Nature!, Other People's Birthdays | Leave a comment

Fourth of July

Nothing particularly notable here…but I kind of like this picture that I took of Tiffin Fireworks from Brian’s parents’ yard:

Posted in Independence Day! | Leave a comment

Trip To Keuka Lake 2015

I went to Keuka Lake with Kim again this year.  This year, we actually did a few fun things in addition to planting Aunt Jean’s flowers. We went to Garrett Memorial Chapel, which is at the CROTCH of the Y-shaped … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, Nature!, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

Spring Plants/Yard

Just when the winter got to be too much last year, we went to Spring Alive! at the Zoo and saw green plants and beautiful flowers to warm my heart: It’s always nice to stop and appreciate how cool the … Continue reading

Posted in House and Yard, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Cavs Basketball

So we went to a few more Cavs games last year, and we had some fun times watching the Cavs get to the Finals and then lose painfully while down a couple of superstars…First things first, we did try LeBron … Continue reading

Posted in It's weird to watch people play games for money | Leave a comment

Lady Rockets

Last season was the last season with our favorite Spaniard (well, both of the Spaniards, really).   There’s not a lot to say about the season, other than that I wish Inma had a better team and coaching staff around … Continue reading

Posted in Catch the Fever, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Trip to Indy

Kim and Jamie hosted us the weekend after my birthday last year.  We went down to Indy on a Thursday and had delicious take and bake pizza and also the only birthday cake/ice cream I had last year, and everyone … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, GROUNDHOG EXTRAVAGANZA!!!, HoneyBear, I collect pencils., It's weird to watch people play games for money, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

Random Stuff

I’m trying desperately trying to catch up on my blogging… I had uploaded a lot of pictures in July and never done any of the blogging to go with them, so I’m trying to tackle those before I upload anything … Continue reading

Posted in Cats and more cats, Domesticity!, HoneyBear, Nature!, Parentals, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff, Valentine's Day | Leave a comment

2014-15 TOLWBB Poster

Posted in Catch the Fever, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment