Category Archives: San Fran!

Meltdown!, Zoo with Rando and Lis, June Yard Stuff

Mid-June, I made a Cathy-style radioactive mess at work. For my readership with the same job as me, here’s a (decayed, obvs) vial that spent time in the hotbox: So that sucked. SUCH A MESS! Anyway, after I got off … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Family Time, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Random Fun things, San Fran! | Leave a comment

Flying Home. Also, Pencils.

Saturday morning, Juliette dropped me off at the airport. Tearful goodbye! Here’s the airport from the plane: This is what the forest fires in Yosemite looked like from the plane: I took this picture because I thought it was cool … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, I collect pencils., Random Fun things, San Fran! | 1 Comment

San Francisco Day #7

Friday morning, Juliette and I had breakfast at Darren’s Cafe, which turned out to have excellent breakfast AND Vietnamese food. Juliette let me go back to the Sea Lions with Brian’s fancy camera. Here’s a slightly off-center picture that is … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, I collect pencils., It's weird to watch people play games for money, Nature!, Random Fun things, San Fran! | Leave a comment

San Francisco Day #6

Thursday, when we left Napa, we drove to Guerneville to have lunch and go to the Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve. Walking back to the car from the restaurant, I spotted this cool sidewalk art, and then ruined the picture … Continue reading

Posted in Delicious Meals and Food, Friends, Nature!, Random Fun things, San Fran! | Leave a comment

San Francisco Day #5

On Wednesday, we went over the Bay Bridge (the new span!) the second day it was open: We had brunch in Sonoma, and then we got down to business tasting the wines. We started at Imagery Estate Winery, where a … Continue reading

Posted in Delicious Meals and Food, Friends, Nature!, Random Fun things, San Fran! | Leave a comment

San Francisco Day #4

Tuesday was Monterey Bay day! On the way down, we drove along the coast, which was super amazing (amazeballs, even). We stopped at NorCal surf shop so Juliette could buy flip flops, and at maybe the grossest place I’ve ever … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, I collect pencils., Nature!, Random Fun things, San Fran! | Leave a comment

San Francisco Day #3

On Labor Day, Juliette and I went north across the Golden Gate Bridge to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, where Juliette’s horsey lives. I tried to take pictures of Belle (the horsey) with Brian’s fancy camera, but I don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, Nature!, Random Fun things, San Fran! | Leave a comment

San Francisco, Day #2

I’ve been to the Pacific Ocean!!1! We drove by a windmill to get there, too…very exciting. Pictures from the ocean: The Pacific Ocean at my feet: Cool kids: We drove down to Half Moon Bay so Josie could make friends … Continue reading

Posted in Cats and more cats, Delicious Meals and Food, Friends, Nature!, Random Fun things, San Fran! | Leave a comment

San Francisco, Day #1

So I invited myself to stay with Juliette in San Francisco for a week. Additionally, I demanded she take the week off and do touristy things with me. This was all done on 3 weeks’ notice. I am very rude. … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, I'm so patriotic., Nature!, San Fran! | 1 Comment