Category Archives: It’s weird to watch people play games for money

Cavs Basketball

So we went to a few more Cavs games last year, and we had some fun times watching the Cavs get to the Finals and then lose painfully while down a couple of superstars…First things first, we did try LeBron … Continue reading

Posted in It's weird to watch people play games for money | Leave a comment

Trip to Indy

Kim and Jamie hosted us the weekend after my birthday last year.  We went down to Indy on a Thursday and had delicious take and bake pizza and also the only birthday cake/ice cream I had last year, and everyone … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, GROUNDHOG EXTRAVAGANZA!!!, HoneyBear, I collect pencils., It's weird to watch people play games for money, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

Cavs Mania

With being a bad blogger does come the luxury of combining several events that would have been individual posts had I been blogging like I should have. So, faithful readers will remember our household excitement regarding LeBron’s return. After some … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, HoneyBear, It's weird to watch people play games for money | Leave a comment

Trip to Indianapolis

Nearly a month ago now, Brian and I went to Indianapolis to visit Kim and her family. I got to leave work at noon that Friday, since I invoked the semi-ruined trip to Indy for the Backstreet Boys concert (recall … Continue reading

Posted in Catch the Fever, Delicious Meals and Food, Friends, It's weird to watch people play games for money, Nature!, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

Cleveland for Lebronukkah/Brian’s Birthday

I was working nights the week of Brian’s birthday, so we couldn’t really do anything on his special day besides follow social media for LeBron’s Decision 2.0. We had big plans to go to Cleveland the following day to go … Continue reading

Posted in HoneyBear, It's weird to watch people play games for money, Other People's Birthdays, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

More blog hiatus

Not much has been happening lately…I’m off(ish) this week with little planned. Here’s some stuff I’ve accumulated: I bought Bossman this shirt even though he’s not a big t-shirt person really: BabyCat always wants to come in the bathroom with … Continue reading

Posted in Catch the Fever, Cats and more cats, Friends, It's weird to watch people play games for money, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment

San Francisco Day #7

Friday morning, Juliette and I had breakfast at Darren’s Cafe, which turned out to have excellent breakfast AND Vietnamese food. Juliette let me go back to the Sea Lions with Brian’s fancy camera. Here’s a slightly off-center picture that is … Continue reading

Posted in Friends, I collect pencils., It's weird to watch people play games for money, Nature!, Random Fun things, San Fran! | Leave a comment

Brian’s Birthday

Wednesday was Brian’s Birthday, so we went to Cleveland for some fun activities. We went to Cleveland in the morning so we could go to a tour of Progressive Field at 11:30. It was probably the best $7.50 I’ve spent … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, HoneyBear, I collect pencils., It's weird to watch people play games for money, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

This Past Week

I spent the last week in Indianapolis for SUPER USER training for work. I was stoked to find that I could fit a Lady Rocket game at Ball State into my drive down to Indy on Sunday. With the new … Continue reading

Posted in AWHS, Oh Yes!, I collect pencils., It's weird to watch people play games for money, Lame. Work., My fat ass, Pharmacy!, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | 2 Comments

Walleye Game

This past weekend, my dad offered Brian and I some Walleye tickets that he got from his work. I hadn’t been to a Walleye game in a long time. They got two cool inflatable Spikes: 1. Spike that spits out … Continue reading

Posted in HoneyBear, It's weird to watch people play games for money, Random Fun things | Leave a comment