Monthly Archives: October 2011

Protected: I’ve been blogging for more than a year! (I shall celebrate, belatedly, with a super rambly post!)

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Posted in Cats and more cats, Computadoros, Friends, It's weird to watch people play games for money, Lame. Work., Let's Talk About Me, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Really? I didn’t post this?

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Posted in Cats and more cats | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Back to work; Sad Panda

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Posted in Family Time, Friends, Parentals, Rocket Fever! | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Pictures of a cat and my $4.99 Sweetest Day roses that she and/or the other cats knocked over Sunday night causing water to soak into and warp the hardwood, hopefully reversibly.

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Posted in Cats and more cats | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Canning Pears

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Posted in Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, Friends, Halloweener, Random Fun things | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: UT at BGSU

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Posted in Catch the Fever, Family Time, HoneyBear, Parentals, Rocket Fever! | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Canning Apples and Pears

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Posted in Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, Friends, Random Fun things | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Football Weekend

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Posted in Catch the Fever, Family Time, Friends, Parentals, Races, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!, Running | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Pygmy Goats!

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Posted in Nature!, Parentals | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: In the absence of actual substance while I once again flounder…

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Posted in Cats and more cats, Nature! | Enter your password to view comments.