Category Archives: My fat ass

Superusing fool

Up until, like, 2003, I thought fall was my favorite season. Then I started realizing that fall is when all my plants die, it gets cold, the sun goes away, and my SAD starts. I always hated winter, because, you … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Domesticity!, Friends, House and Yard, I'm so patriotic., Lame. Work., Let's Talk About Me, My fat ass, Running | 3 Comments

This Past Week

I spent the last week in Indianapolis for SUPER USER training for work. I was stoked to find that I could fit a Lady Rocket game at Ball State into my drive down to Indy on Sunday. With the new … Continue reading

Posted in AWHS, Oh Yes!, I collect pencils., It's weird to watch people play games for money, Lame. Work., My fat ass, Pharmacy!, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | 2 Comments


As we’ve already discussed, it’s Christmas card season. I do so enjoy getting other people’s less awesome (than our) Christmas photos and cards…I do NOT enjoy getting weird Christmas cards from my estranged mother. I looked at the envelope and … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Christmas!, Friends, I'm so patriotic., Let's Talk About Me, My fat ass, Stupid stuff | 1 Comment


So I stopped running before I got my wisdom teeth out because I am a tard. Every day I get up and think to myself, “this is the day I’m going to run on the treadmill.” Then, I’m like, “No. … Continue reading

Posted in My fat ass, Races, Running | Leave a comment

Turkey Day

I decided to host Thanksgiving this year. This was the first time that I did most of the cooking (Full Disclosure: Lis made the green bean casserole and the gravy). Last night, I made two different cranberry sauces (Whole30 and … Continue reading

Posted in Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, Family Time, Holiday Awesomeness, My fat ass, Parentals, Thanksgiving, Whole30 | Leave a comment

Furnaces hate me.

It was my week to work nights (boo!) but I had today off since I worked last weekend (yay!) I noticed this on the gas pump when I stopped to get gas on my way to work one night (Go … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 > 2011 to the max., Catch the Fever, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Parentals, Thanksgiving, Whole30 | 1 Comment

My First Whole30…You can probably skip this post.

Tuesday was Day 30 of my Whole 30. I really was tempted to get fast food (or any food really) on Monday when I was in Tiffin for Brian’s migraine, but I didn’t…I made it 30 whole days without any … Continue reading

Posted in Delicious Meals and Food, Let's Talk About Me, My fat ass, Training, Whole30 | Leave a comment

Blah Blah Blah

The Whole30 continued this past week through night shift. I slept a little better but still woke up after only a few hours each day…but I had more energy and stayed awake at work better anyway. We had some delicious … Continue reading

Posted in Cats and more cats, Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, House and Yard, Random Fun things, Training, Whole30 | Leave a comment

Whole30 Stuff

I spent most of the summer losing the weight I gained around the time the parental divorce was finalized. My weight loss stalled after a couple of months of real effort and having virtually no fat or salt and eating … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 > 2011 to the max., Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, My fat ass, Whole30 | Leave a comment

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Posted in Domesticity!, Family Time, House and Yard, Lame. Work., My fat ass, Running | Enter your password to view comments.