I am 37. That is old. I get more and more curmudgeonly each day.   I think *I’m* too young to listen to Miley Cyrus and most R&B songs.  I am often shocked and appalled by what people post on facebook…particularly with regards to their children, but people also love to share their feelings about sex, religion, and politics with no regard for other people’s sensibilities. I think some things should be kept private.
I love cats in practice and dogs in theory. I have 3 cats…2 lady cats and a gentleman cat. I would procure more cats, quick like a bunny, if these cats weren’t so ridiculous. I like to make my cats wear costumes for various holidays, with the exception of Christmas 2012, when they organized a protest against costumes.
I live in sin with a super smart boy who makes up the entirety of the technical staff of this website. He also does the dishes, mows the lawn/shovels snow, accompanies me to Lady Rocket games, and makes sure the cats have food and water. He’s the best. WordPress soulmates!
Lady Rockets is my favorite thing.