Trip to Indy

Kim and Jamie hosted us the weekend after my birthday last year.  We went down to Indy on a Thursday and had delicious take and bake pizza and also the only birthday cake/ice cream I had last year, and everyone sang Happy Birthday.  On Friday, we went to the Indy Children’s Museum with Kim and Jack.   It was pretty cool.  What I remember the most, perhaps, is the weird planetarium room where we saw on our phones that the mayor of Toledo had died.

Children's Museum

I’m always trying to get Kim’s kids to collect pencils too, so I bought Jack and I lots of pencils in the gift shop.  The tube full of tiny smooth rocks is a common pencils design at childrens/science museums.


We had dinner at a weird divey restaurant in downtown Indy, and then we went to Bankers Life Fieldhouse for the Cavs/Pacers game.  Here’s Jack:


Our seats were not very good, but we were limited by what Kim wanted to spend on Jack’s Christmas present ticket.  All I really remember is that the people behind us were drunk, and Jack didn’t feel well by the end of it (and, the Cavs lost).

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This entry was posted in Friends, GROUNDHOG EXTRAVAGANZA!!!, HoneyBear, I collect pencils., It's weird to watch people play games for money, Random Fun things. Bookmark the permalink.

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