Bossman had a sweet potato in a plastic bag on his office bookshelf that he didn’t eat before it sprouted (maybe over his hip replacement leave in May?). It has been a bit of a botany experiment…it still isn’t rotten, and the leaves still have a green tint and the little stalks are turgid. At some point, Bossman removed the plastic bag and put the potato on his little piece of Glass Bowl turf on the windowsill. I took this picture of the sweet potato last Saturday:
I expect to find the sweet potato looking not so great sometime soon, as I found out on Monday that Bennett injected it with sugar water. WTF. It is a potato. I’m sure some rot/fungus/something bad is going to like that sugar.
This moth was on our back door. Naturey:
I am friends with a potato farmer (no, really) & he’s told me that you can sprout any potato as long as it’s in the dark. Put it back in the bag!!!