Fall is for planting!

After 10 days of work in a row, I was really looking forward to being done with work Wednesday at 5pm. I ended up having to work last night, so my plans for normal sleep patterns and also yard dominance were somewhat disrupted.

I always see signs at the nursery near work that say, “Fall is for planting!” but I’ve never given it much thought. Then I happened upon some MSN articles that said you should so your perennial splitting in the fall, so that the plants can grow roots now and not have to split their energy between growing roots and growing foliage in the spring. We had some large hostas that I probably should have split in the spring this year, so my plans started with splitting those and ballooned when I found some new plants at Anderson’s and Menards.

Brian dug up a lot of sod today for the Side Bed Expansion Project…This is all the farther the bed that we added in the spring to accommodate the hydrangea that Bossman gave us went:

As you can see in this picture, we extended it all the way to the air conditioner:

Here are some (blurry?) pictures of the plants we added (two of them are transplanted hostas):

Here’s another angle of the Side Bed Expansion Project:

I am really happy with how it came out. Brian would probably say this after all the digging and what not (OK he wouldn’t at all, he doesn’t think it is as funny as I do at all):

While I was taking pictures, I took some update pictures in the backyard…Here’s a picture of some of our older yard handiwork (Some of the hostas have been tragically butchered:

This hydrangea is really big:

A shot of our acorn-laden patio with misshapen patio furniture:

The hosta that Gnomeo lives under also got butchered/hacked/hopefully not murdered:

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