Whole30 Stuff

I spent most of the summer losing the weight I gained around the time the parental divorce was finalized. My weight loss stalled after a couple of months of real effort and having virtually no fat or salt and eating like 1300 calories a day. Now I need to lose the weight I gained before that just from being a lazy, night-shift working adult-type person (the 32 pounds I was going to lose while I was 32…Sigh).

In the course of being fed up with deprivey dieting, I came across the Whole30. The Whole30 is 30 days of what is basically paleo eating…no legumes, grains, dairy, white potatoes, processed food. Every meal is protein, lots of veggies, maybe some fruit, and some healthy fat. Being a lunatic with a (distant, at this point) history of eating disorders, “healthy fat” is one of the weirdest things ever. Also, not having to measure things is crazy talk…you’re supposed to base things on a palm-sized protein and maybe a thumb-sized fat, but you eat according to legit hunger and satiety. So weird and not modern, I guess.

I was terrified of starting the 30 days…I thought it would be super difficult. I am on Day 14 and it is going pretty well. I’ve not missed bread or cheese as much as I thought I would. I miss ice cream something fierce (that might be what I eat on Day 31), but in general, I’m happy with eating this way. I sleep much better/more. I’ve lost some weight and I think my skin and hair might look a little better.

One thing I’ve struggled with is my running…I had been up to running 8 miles and seemingly on pace for the Detroit Half, but since I started doing this, I can only do about half of that…the timeline on the Whole30 website would indicate that that’s going to improve soon (supposedly once my body re-learns how to burn fat efficiently rather than always glucose). I’m hoping so, but not feeling super confident about Detroit anymore. We’ll see.

Also, I’ve been experimenting with recipes and food-making!

One day, we had bison burger and sweet potato fries, but I forgot to take a picture with my bison meat in it. Here’s a picture of super-delicious sweet potato fries with chicken:

Today I made guacamole and delicious turkey for tacos (Brian had actual tacos):

I started making this turkey/apple/cinnamon concoction for breakfasts:

I also made homemade mayo out of olive oil and used it in tuna salad, which I wrapped in collard greens, and some sort of semi-scary crockpot Chicken Vindaloo. So adventuresome.

This entry was posted in 2012 > 2011 to the max., Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, My fat ass, Whole30. Bookmark the permalink.

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