Blah Blah Blah

The Whole30 continued this past week through night shift. I slept a little better but still woke up after only a few hours each day…but I had more energy and stayed awake at work better anyway. We had some delicious food I didn’t take pictures of…delicious baked chicken, chicken/squash chili, green apple guacamole. I only just now feel like I could run more than 4 miles again since I started eating this way, so I think the Detroit half is out, since it’s in 2 weeks.

I think I feel less doomy about the cold than normal, and I did clean my closet on Friday while listening to the new Tristan Prettyman album on repeat…this is what I got rid of (one of the bags is a bedspread that has seen its share of bodily fluids – and by bodily fluids, I mean cat vomit):

Anyway…not much else is happening around here. We had to turn the furnace on (we do not play the “how long can we wait to turn the furnace on?” game). One of the garage door opener springs busted Friday night, so we have to park our cars outside in the cold, which is sad. Brian and Nathan are watching Red Zone, and I need to go food shopping and cook some stuff for the week. I sent Chiara a package that weighed about 14 lbs that I hope makes it through customs with my awkward form-filling-outness. I have to go visit customers on Tuesday and Thursday at work. Weird.

This entry was posted in Cats and more cats, Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, House and Yard, Random Fun things, Training, Whole30. Bookmark the permalink.

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