A visit from Dara and Landon

Dara was in town this past weekend for her sister’s birthday and a Cousin’s Night out at the CLUUUUUB, so I got a couple hours on Saturday with her and Landon. Here’s a picture of Landon and I:

Landon is a pretty mellow dude for someone who lives with his spazzy mother.

The more you know: Lots of Black people don’t cut babies’ hair until they are 1 year old, because they might get a stutter if you cut it earlier than that. Landon is going to have the most ridiculous Sideshow Bob Blasian afro EVER 5 months from now.

<3 <3 <3

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2 Responses to A visit from Dara and Landon

  1. dara says:

    Hey! In my defense, *I* don’t think he’ll stutter, it’s the old wive’s tale from my grandma! I’m just keeping with tradition, lol! It runs deep though, b/c I was at the grocery store and the lady behind me said not to cut it until he was at least TWO! Told me to braid it or put it in a pony tail! Now that’s just crazy talk!

    • ShellyBeach says:

      I will sneak in and cut his hair myself if you go past 1. Also, likely story about you not believing it yourself.

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