
I’ve been off this week, mostly avoiding dealing with my pharmacy students and also doing some wisdom teeth recovering. My sockets are not dry, that I can tell, but they are sore. I wonder how my wisdom teeth soulmate, Kyrie Irving, is surviving his extractions…I hope things are going better for him…since he’s much younger than me, I bet he’s out living it up with non-sore sockets right now. I might take a Percocet and go to bed. YAY FOR OLD PEOPLE WISDOM TEETH SLOW RECOVERY YAY.

Other things:

I went to Ikea with Kim and Anthony on Tuesday. I bought a new duvet and duvet cover that has been too warm to use since we’re in Indian Summer or something. These purchases might be an innovation, though, since both are washable and will fit in our washing machine…if, for example, a cat puked on our blankets.

I also got a bunch of cheap crap and some cinnamon buns. Ikea is so great.

We’ve done quite a bit of leaf-raking, but our oak trees still have most of their leaves. Fuckers.

I sat outside yesterday for quite a while, and the bees were quite busy enjoying the warm weather:

Brian and I took advantage of the nice weather this afternoon and enjoyed a fall trip to the Zoo.

Only one polar bear was in the exhibit, and he was taking a nap:

The sloth bears were similarly bear-disappointing.

We were NOT disappointed by all the growing and being cute that my zoo pal, the amur tiger, has been doing:

Swollen-cheeked self picture in the Tembo Trail area:

The lemur babies did a lot of growing since we saw them last…I don’t know if this is a baby or an adult…all the lemurs were so similar and fluffy like Baby Cat:

The aquarium being closed (for 3 years!) was way more deeeeepressing than I thought it would be. We walked around in the conservatory/gardens area, but between the Aquarium construction and the Lights Before Christmas setup, the Zoo mojo was disturbed. Here is an excellent photo I took without even trying:

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