Voting Day

When I drive to work, I pass 2 polling locations – mine at the weird non-denomination church nearby, and the one I used to go to at the Sheriff substation. I had to be at work at 8 on Tuesday, so I left around 7:40…the lines to vote were long at both. The parking lots were full, and people were parked along the road. The line was so long people were standing outside. I’m sure they were almost all republicans because that’s just how Springfield township rolls, but whatever…it’s still cool to see people bothering to bother.

I voted after work, mostly to get my sticker and send a picture of it to Chiara:

Later that night, Toledo played Ball State, and my dad and I went with his friend Cody to watch the Rockets get beaten right on out of their rankings. It was cold (34 degrees!) and we stayed the whole game.

They were honoring military and local heroes. Flag:

Bando pictures:

Bandos lined up waiting for the team to come out:

Obviously, I didn’t get to watch the election results stuff on TV, but I could occasionally get 3G to check how things were going. Sometime in the sad panda 4th quarter, they called the election for Obama. After the game, we walked to the car with all sorts of old white dudes who were silent and mopey…not sure if it was more because of the election or the Rockets’ loss. There were two girls leaning out of their dorm windows, screaming, “TOLEDO LOST BUT OBAMA FUCKING WON, WOOOOHOOOOOO!” This was met with little reaction. I spent the whole ride home liking posts of people who were happy about the outcome and being annoyed by the super stupid stuff that THE OTHERS were saying about the country being dead and how stupid and ignorant the rest of us are. Um, OK. “Planned Parenthood? We’re gonna cut that.” Um, not so much. Be reasonable.

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One Response to Voting Day

  1. Chiara says:


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