Furnaces hate me.

It was my week to work nights (boo!) but I had today off since I worked last weekend (yay!)

I noticed this on the gas pump when I stopped to get gas on my way to work one night (Go Rockets!):

On Tuesday, our furnace at home was a little wonky…but some creative power switch turning off and back on seemed to fix it. When I got to work that night, the furnace wasn’t working there. It only got down to 64, but I thought I was dying. I basically make no heat anyway, and your body gets extra cold around 5AM because of a circadian rhythm (when you sleep at night your body shuts down your internal furnace when you don’t need it to conserve energy…it happens when you’re awake at that time too). Here’s a dark picture I took of myself (to make Chiara feel bad for me) with 52 layers, a winter hat, and Bennett’s polar fleece blanket snuggled on the loveseat:

Wednesday morning, while I was getting scolded for not trying new batteries in the thermostat (really?) and not checking the breakers (I just now learned where the breaker box is), Brian texted me that our furnace at home wasn’t working again. I was so glad he took care of it – I was so tired of thinking about furnaces and also thinking about being cold, I just came home and took a hot shower and went to sleep.

They called the furnace repairman before I even left on Wednesday, but I asked Bossman to let me know if it wasn’t fixed before he left so that I could bring more layers Wednesday night. Of course it wasn’t fixed, but someone (I bet Dave) left me this:

It was 61 during the early morning yesterday. I was so glad to leave that place (and have last night off, just in case) and that our furnace at home was fixed. Hooray for warmth!

Here’s a picture of everyone but Harvey taking a nap yesterday:

Today, I bought a bunch of Thanksgiving-related groceries for our 3 person Thanksgiving. I am going to try spatchcocking the turkey, and mostly we are going to be eating (canned!) pumpkins as desert just to make Chiara angry.

In other news that will keep me from enjoying delicious delicious crusty Stove Top stuffing, I started another Whole30 on Wednesday. I think that’s why I’ve been sleeping better the second half of this week. I had a headache late Wednesday and all day yesterday, but things seem much better today. The Whole 30 people are big on not weighing yourself during the 30 days, and last time I didn’t always follow that rule, and I think I ended up kind of sabotaging myself because of it, so I’m trying to follow it this time. It continues to be weird and disconcerting to eat fat on purpose.

This entry was posted in 2012 > 2011 to the max., Catch the Fever, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Parentals, Thanksgiving, Whole30. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Furnaces hate me.

  1. Chiara says:

    PUMPKINS ARE NOT DESSERT. I bet the Whole30 people agree with me.

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