Glass City Tournament

I think I’m finally pretty much recovered from whatever weird illness Lis gave me on OSU-UM day. It was touch and go…I had a gross cough and was short of breath and felt weak. Now Brian has it.

I was glad I was off this week so I could do some intense laying around, but I certainly didn’t do anything very cool. I did put the Christmas tree up that one day (and it took everything I had…)

Thursday was Aunt Jeri’s Birthday, so we went out to eat to Texas Roadhouse with her, Scott, Kasey (I have never bothered to find out how to spell her name), my Dad, and Matthew. Enjoyable. Bread.

Friday was my Dad’s Birthday, and I invited him over for birthday tacos that I made with ground chicken. Enjoyable. Tacos.

This weekend was the First Annual Glass City Tournament. There was rumbling about how they wanted people to go to the non-UT game so we could keep having tournaments, so we went for part of the Southern University Jaguars – St. Bonaventure game. Not enjoyable.

UT played SIU-Edwardsville on Saturday. It was a super fun ass-whooping until Naama went down and everyone’s spirit was partially broken. I am too fragile of a Nervous Nelly to take it well when they go down…even if usually they go walk it off and come back in the same game. I’m like, “OH GOD, DOOM, THIS IS THE WORST” and then I almost cry. I am terrible at being an invested spectator.

Naama had tweaked her ankle, or something, and didn’t play the second half yesterday, but she did come back from the locker room without looking maimed, so I could calm down.

Here’s the scoreboard from yesterday:

Since the non-Toledo teams in the Glass City Tournament kind of sucked, we elected not to go to the early game today…but it ended up being really close, so maybe we made the wrong choice.

Here’s Yolanda at tip-off…Come get ya some Yo Yo Girrrrrrl:

The ads under the scorer’s table used to be the same the whole season and were on a roll of paper…they went digital, and it looks pretty darn sharp:

They also added a shitty little scoreboard below the Grogan Room. It looks like it came from 1992.

The Ladies beat the Bonnies today, so they won their little tournament, which is cool.

With a couple minutes left on the game clock, a dude passed out (or something) on the stairs near our seats. The dude who fell down is a Lady Rocket game regular…known as “neck brace guy” and “dude who used to do the sprinkler dance on the jumbotron” by us. His wife (also a regular) looked really upset and flustered, which made my little sympathetic heart so concerned. The team doctors were on the scene quick like a bunny, and the dude was definitely breathing, so hopefully it’s not a huge deal…maybe he just needed some sugar or hydration or something. It was pretty weird to keep watching the game and cheering with all the hubbub, but it also didn’t seem quite right to just stop and gawk either. Awkward…but not as awkward as old people acting really inconvenienced by not being able to use that set of stairs and being told to wait in their seats to keep the walkways clear for them to get passed out guy out of the arena.

Anyway, here’s the scoreboard with bonus picture of the team after their award ceremony:

Now that we have semi-fancy season tickets, we got a handshake and a “Thanks for coming” from Janelle Reed-Lewis, which was pretty fantastic. Brian is working on developing a secret Janelle handshake to teach her next time. That’s not true.

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