UT vs. Milwaukee

Saturday, Rando came up to go to the Lady Rockets game with us. I devised an elaborate scheme to be able to all sit in the first row, where we have rights to 3 seats, but I didn’t need to execute it. Silly ushers.

Former Lady Rocket Haylie Linn (haver of amazing shoulders) is a graduate assistant for Milwaukee, so the Rockets waited until this game for the banners/ring ceremony for last year. Here’s some pictures of Haylie talking to Coach Cullop before the game:

New banners:

I have 293023 versions of this picture, but when they do this, it makes me wish I played team sports ever:

After they won:

I was lucky enough to not get called in during the game (or all weekend, actually), but I got called in Monday evening around 8 (booooo).

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