Toledo Invite

The Lady Rockets hosted a second tournament the Thursday and Friday before Christmas…The Toledo invite. As was the case with the first tournament they held earlier this month, the other teams were, um, not the best ever. Thursday, Dad, Brian, and I went early to “scout” at the first game. The Prairie View A&M Panthers beat the Hampton Pirates. Then the Ladies beat the Evansville Purple Aces.

Friday, we went a little early and watched some Evansville vs. Hampton consolation game action because we crave even the worst Lady Basketball.

Bossman offered to work some usher magic and get us into some vacant court seats for the Lady Rockets game Friday night, and because we are terrible people, we abandoned my Dad in our normal seats.

I take this picture 23282 times a season, indeed:

More of the same

The new scorer’s table looks sharp approximately 10% of the time:

Toledo Invite

Naama is starting to seem a little closer to her pre-injury self. Yay Jewie Yay.

Naaaaaama Shafiiiiiir

The “Championship” Game…this game was alarmingly close in the first half…I thought we were going to watch the saddest, most disheartening upset ever from courtside, but then the universe righted itself and the Ladies won handily.

Prairie View A&M vs. Toledo

I took this picture to show off oldschool @FSOAllieOop:

Building Champions

Also, I got these lovely notecards as a present from Bossman and Sue…they are Emily Smith original photos!

Note Cards

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