Winter Doldrums

It’s cold and gross and Ohio-like here. The only thing interrupting my slothy despondency is Lady Rocket basketball.

We’ve been to BG’s Stroh Center a few times now, and this past Sunday we took my Dad and Brian’s parents to watch the Ladies’ Battle of I-75. Our seats were too far up for much picture-taking, but here’s a picture of Naama to commemorate our victory:


(PS Chiara has been campaigning to make me miserable lately by reminding me how little Naama time is left for us, and I can’t stand it.)

Here are some other non-cat-related recent things (spoiler: Cat post coming soon).

Here’s my super darling-looking friend Anthony looking very similar to the fancy diaper ad baby in the upper right:


Here’s a soothing manatee ( who is trying to remind me not to wallow in fatty fatness downward spiralness, but the winter is hard to overcome, even for a manatee:

Soothing Manatee

This entry was posted in Catch the Fever, Family Time, Parentals, Rocket Fever!. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Winter Doldrums

  1. Chiara says:

    Lies! I have been campagining for you to carpe the basketball diem!

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