Oh, nothing, just going to watch a men’s basketball game in Muncie with my boss in a couple of hours…

I was originally supposed to be off Thursday and Friday this week, since I worked last weekend, but I was able to weasel into having yesterday and today off. This is the first time in several years that I didn’t take a week off to mope about being old for my birthday, but it’s probably for the best that I’m not having an extended mope-a-thon anyway. I’ve been doing enough SAD moping lately.

I agreed to go to Ball State with Bossman to watch the men play tonight. Brian is in Marion and is going from there to Tiffin to have dinner with his parents for his mom’s birthday, so I figure this way, I’ll at least go on an adventure. I am going to Ball State by myself in a couple weeks for the Ladies’ game on my way to Indianapolis for work, so at least I’ll know where I’m going.

Anyway, I don’t have much news, so I’ll just throw some random things out there for your enjoyment…

1) This picture of Naama makes me chuckle whenever I look at it:


2) Spin it, DJ Cat



3) Friday night, poor Mary had to drive up to Toledo after work so she could go to a funeral Saturday morning. Because of the Case of the Mystery Vernor’s Can, no one had a key to her parents’ house, so we got to have her stay in the Yellow Room. She brought me the birthday presents that the twins sent for me:

My presents

There was also a giraffe tail on a string for the cats to play with, which they have all played with and enjoyed. The Tiger in the picture is a Zoo Pooper…you wind him up and he poops out candy.

4) When I just went out in the main room to take a picture of my toys, Alley demanded that I take a picture of her:

Alley McKitten

5) Saturday, my dad brought over SO MUCH PORK! which I cooked during the Lady Rocket game. There really was SO MUCH PORK! – it was a 4 pound pork loin that he got on special at Kroger. I googled recipes and ended up baking it in the oven with garlic and rosemary and it was OK. He also brought over a cornmeal mix and gave me this (he had TWO, for some reason, so I got one and he still had one) heavy pan:


6) Yesterday I bothered to walk at a relatively steep incline on the treadmill for a while, and then I pretended to know what the hell I was doing with a kettlebell for a while. This is the first working out I’ve done in a while, because I’ve found it hard to interrupt wasting time and lolling around waiting for the SUN TO COME BACK! with such endeavors.


Groundhog Day is rapidly approaching, so I am reborn, like a groundhoggish phoenix (!!!)

Also, I found www.dietbet.com and am totally psyched about it for some reason. I opted out of Amanda and Matthew’s biggest loser thing they were joining for huge money a while ago because I knew at the point where I knew there was no way I could win, I’d just give up. This is different because you don’t have to WIN, you just have to lose more than 4% of your starting weight…so even if you don’t lose like 23 lbs, you can still make your money back (well, minus the 5 or 10% the website takes) and maybe then some if people in your challenge don’t lose 4%. I joined one of the cheaper challenges for February that has a ton of people in it to up my chances of winning more than my bet if I do lose 4%, and I started my own $100 challenge to make it expensive enough to hurt if I don’t lose the 4%. I’m not sure why this amuses me so much, but it does, so I’m going with it.

This entry was posted in 2013...Get it together., Biggest Loser, Catch the Fever, Cats and more cats, Delicious Meals and Food, GROUNDHOG EXTRAVAGANZA!!!, Let's Talk About Me, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!. Bookmark the permalink.

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