Some extra things

My dad and his friend found a delightful print on Etsy for my birthday that arrived last week:

Birthday Print

Look at that tubby wintery-hibernatey groundhog (reminds me of myself!)!

The squirrels have been demanding corn and being cute in the cold:


Today, I went out to my Dad’s house. The people that moved in next to him have two goats, and their pen borders on my dad’s yard. We took the goats some celery, and they were really enthusiastic about their celery-eating. The might have taken a bite out of our fingers if we weren’t paying attention. Here they are after the celery:

Goats in your face Goats Looking for Celery

Here’s the cutest of the goat pictures that I took:


Additionally, I’m going to follow the keto diet starting tomorrow, as I’ve been inspired by the keto subreddit. We’ll see how that goes.

This entry was posted in 2013...Get it together., GROUNDHOG EXTRAVAGANZA!!!, Nature!, Parentals, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff. Bookmark the permalink.

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