Fungus Among Us

For whatever reason, there has been a ton of fungus in the yard this year…lots of mushrooms and whatnot.

First, lets talk about this:

Devil's Dipstick

Since this one was so distinctive, I was able to internet-identify it: Mutinus elegans, commonly known as the elegant stinkhorn, the dog stinkhorn, the headless stinkhorn, or the devil’s dipstick, is a species of fungus in the Phallaceae family. Note that it is called a stinkhorn for a reason, and that reason is that the brown slime stinks. Also, there’s a slug crawling up the carrot part.

Here’s a big shroom:


(I spent a really decent amount of time trying to identify this one, and I failed…)

I did pose my Rocket Gnome with the mushroom:

Rocket Gnome with Mushroom

We have also had those weird amorphous fungus things in the mulch (in a variety of colors!) and tons of small mushrooms in the grass.

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One Response to Fungus Among Us

  1. fig says:

    Yay for kohlrabi! My favourite super simple dish is to cut up a kohlrabi and put it in a small pot with some water and salt, plop a frozen piece of salmon with some butter flakes on top and just let the steam from cooking the kohlrabi cook the fish.

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