Mouse in the House!

Last night, I couldn’t sleep after my Xtreme blogging session. I was laying on the couch reading reddit, and for some reason I got up and noticed that Harvard was staring intently at the oven:


I mostly think every possible problem is cockroach-related, so I waited timidly and thought extensively about whether I would scream and/or wake Brian up if I spied a cockroach. Nothing ever happened, and eventually Harvard retreated to avoid my constant monitoring. This afternoon, BabyCat took a turn watching the oven, so Brian took the lower drawer out and vaccuumed, and he even vaccuumed under the fridge and the dishwasher. He put the oven drawer back, and the cats were still watching.

Eventually, while laying on the floor with various flashlights, he saw a mouse!

Here’s BabyCat thinking she was going to reach the mouse who was chilling near the back wall:


After that, I fetched Harvard and told him he had been called up to the majors. He was not interested. I recruited Alley for the job, and both she and BabyCat seemed interested, but they let the cornered mouse run right in front of them:


Brian had a yardstick that I put peanut butter and slice cheese on to lure Mr. Mouse out. It was a family affair:


BabyCat had a turn at the mouse where she shook his hand and happily exchanged email addresses:



Eventually, after the cats had performed in the most disappointing manner possible, Brian became the best cat of all the cats and trapped the mouse under a tupperware container and then put the lid on it:

Mouse Relocation Services

We took the mouse to the park so that it could hang out with the many chipmunks we have relocated there.

When we got home, I noticed a beautiful butterfly hanging around my flowers. I took some pictures with my phone:



Then Brian came out and took a much better picture with his camera:

Brian took this one

This entry was posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Domesticity!, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Nature!, Random Fun things. Bookmark the permalink.

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