Zoo last Friday

Friday was my 12th day of work in a row, and I was really glad when Bossman let me leave at noon. We went to the Zoo, because it was the start of the Sandsational Sendoff for some secret number of the Australian animals. Even after going to the Zoo, reading the Zoo website, and having a tweet answered by the Zoo, I still don’t know what animals are leaving for sure…other than that it seems like the wallabies are for sure on their way out.

Here’s a young wallaby in a weird enclosure:


Here’s a dude wallaby. Dude wallabies have weird bathing suit areas, as we’ve already discussed, but this time the weird hangy ballsack was visible:

Broken Leg

Here are some pictures of an aquarium-themed sand sculpture from a few different views:




And an Australia-themed sand sculpture:



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