San Francisco Day #4

Tuesday was Monterey Bay day!

On the way down, we drove along the coast, which was super amazing (amazeballs, even). We stopped at NorCal surf shop so Juliette could buy flip flops, and at maybe the grossest place I’ve ever peed because I drink too much water, but somehow not enough.

We went to the Aquarium, where again I tried to take non-cat animal photos. My photography skills had not magically improved, but I’m just going to include a ton of them anyway. So there.

Good quote

Fishy So pretty

One of the best things about MB Aquarium was the view of the bay from the back:


More Scenic

Here I (MB) am in Monterey Bay (MB):

MB in MB

Much raved-about jellies (the best-looking 14 out of their 20 species are on display at any time):

Jelly Jelly IMG_8173 Jelly Jelly Jelly

I was super excited about Sea Turtles (you can’t tell how big this dude is, but he’s pretty big):

Sea Turtle!!!

Here’s a juvenile loggerhead:

Baby Sea Turtle

More aquarium pics:

Eel, Shrimp, etc. Anemonemone

We had Mexican food in Monterey Bay, and then went into some shops looking for pencils. I found this hoodie for $19:

I heart MB

I should have bought ALL THE HOODIES and given them to people who love an MB ;)

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