San Francisco Day #6

Thursday, when we left Napa, we drove to Guerneville to have lunch and go to the Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve.

Walking back to the car from the restaurant, I spotted this cool sidewalk art, and then ruined the picture with a smidge of my purse. Oh well.


Onward, to the redwoods! I don’t have much to say about the trees, though I have tons of inadequate photos. No description or photograph can do them justice (partly because they are just too damn tall). Maybe some people aren’t that jazzed by trees, but I really could not pick my jaw up off the soft forest floor. NATURE! (Yes, touristy nature, but NATURE!) That’s really all I’m going to say about the trees, and not because I want to be done writing blog entries about my trip.

Brent and Juliette walking ahead:



Redwoods Me



Family photo near redwoods:

Family Picture

Roots on a fallen tree:

Roots. Roots Closer Up


iPhone panoramic photos are probably the best way to get the whole tree in a picture:



We crossed the Golden Gate Bridge again on the way back. We went to Brent and Juliette’s local watering hole, Club DeLuxe, to have some drinks (delicious greyhounds, made by an indie/pop-recording bartender who had just returned home from Burning Man) before dinner at The Little Chihuahua. We also had weird expensive SF ice cream before coming back to watch Village of the Damned, an excellent (?) movie with Christopher Reeve, Kirstie Alley, and Mark Hamill.

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