More blog hiatus

Not much has been happening lately…I’m off(ish) this week with little planned. Here’s some stuff I’ve accumulated:

I bought Bossman this shirt even though he’s not a big t-shirt person really:

Hump Day

BabyCat always wants to come in the bathroom with me…this is what happens when I don’t let her:

Cat Attack

Brian assures me that Chris Perez will not be a Cleveland Indian next year, so I have decided to kick it old school and be a Tigers fan (if only I could find the 1984 World Series Tigers watch that most memorably made my 5 year old wrist break out). I went with my friend Peter to the ALCS Game 5 to watch the Tigers lose to the Red Sox in the cold/rain. Here’s an ominous weather picture from before the game.


From the outfield:

From the Statues

This is the view from our seats:

Our View

Tigers lose :(

End of the Game

It is worth noting that I had a cold when we went to the game, but my condition did not worsen after sitting in the wet cold for hours. Because of this, I thought it necessary to go to the UT-Navy football game with my Dad on Saturday, when it was colder and wetter:

Miserable Weather for a UT Game

I was glad we went, as UT won in 2 overtimes, and at the end the sun was even out:

Ahhh, the sun

Here’s the team after their victory:


I haven’t done much in my vacation so far – I did get my fingerprints done for the master gardener volunteer program, and I cleaned the cats’ litterboxes today, which is always delightful…it’s still nice to be away from work (and my students :( of course) for a while.

This entry was posted in Catch the Fever, Cats and more cats, Friends, It's weird to watch people play games for money, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!. Bookmark the permalink.

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