The Cold Time

It was snowing the big snow while I wrote the last entry. It snowed a lot. We had to shovel many times. The National Weather Service said Toledo got 13 inches during that storm.

Here are some pictures I took when we shoveled at 7am so I could go to work last Monday:

Weeping Cherry Front entryway

We were running out of places to put the snow in the congested driveway/sidewalk area:


So much snow:

Sidewalk to the West

The roads were covered with inches of packed snow/ice…it was a Level 3 Snow Emergency on Monday, so there weren’t a lot of people on the road. I took this picture while I was waiting for the light at Centennial and Angola…which it never did. Eventually I had to just go or I would have had to start a new life at the traffic light. I think the sensors don’t work with the weight of the snow on the roads.


More wintry driving conditions:


Quickly the problem was more the cold and wind than the snow. Monday and Tuesday, it was WELL below zero. Tuesday, it was -15F, and the windchill was -40F. Tuesday, I took a shower, and the condensation on the bathroom window froze like this:


Bennett and I made snow! We threw boiling water up in the arctic air:


I was curious to see how high the gas bill would be. It has a few extra days on it, presumably since they couldn’t read meters the first half of last week, but it was notably high…$140. The last time we had a gas bill over $100 was 3 years ago. It’s interesting that the average daily temperature was about 10 degrees lower from last year:

Gas Bill

Thursday was supposed to be “Educational Day” at the Lady Rockets, but all the schools were still closed (it was still -5F when we left the house). I was lucky enough to have the day off, so we took my Dad to Star Diner and then to the game. The first half was excellent, and the second half was less excellent.

We went and picked up a sick computer from an older woman affiliated with Brian’s family…the computer had a virus AND the bad man had called the woman claiming to be from Windows and needing her help to get access to her computer to fix it (she let him connect and “fix things”…). I’m not sure how that works, keyloggers or what not, but it was crazy. The computer was older, and it was one of those small compact bricks with all the guts all crammed in tight…I’ve rarely, if ever, felt a computer so hot, with all the churning it was doing with the virus and then with virus scans and install/uninstall action. We fixed it, I think.

Saturday, my Dad offered us tickets to the Promedica suite for the men’s game that night. We had never seen the suites, so I was excited to check that out. When we got there, there were already 12 people in the suite, and they immediately felt their catered food supply was threatened and assumed protective wolf stances. There are 12 seats in front of the suite, and we avoided eye contact and went directly to the seats. We spent the next two hours listening to some bitch squawk about how she didn’t understand why there were more people in the suite than seats and some dude who didn’t know what sport he was watching guessing that the cheerleaders were throwing socks or underwear. It was interesting, but I don’t think I’d ever give up front row seats for a suite.

Before the game, they lowered the new banner on the men’s end to commemorate their fake share of the MAC West last season:

West Co-Champs*

Some sort of cool pictures I took from the suite:


So artsy! Miniature!:

Tiny TOL

All I want is a really nice version of this:


That’s really all that’s been up here…snow and cold and basketball.

This entry was posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, Computadoros, Friends, Lame. Work., Parentals, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff. Bookmark the permalink.

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