Cats, curtains, and some Lady Rockets

Harvard and BabyCat have been really into the bathtub lately. If you use the guest bathroom, BabyCat will either come in with you or, if you don’t let her, she will put her paws under the door from the outside. If she comes in with you, she gets in the tub. Lately I’ve been turning the faucet on and watching her try to drink/chomp the water stream. Here she is studying the faucet:

Why is this cat so dumb

Harvard likes any water source, so he has also gotten involved:

Drink it

If one or the other is enjoying fresh water from the bathtub faucet, a line will form. The line is usually lazy. Here is a BATHTUB PARTY!:


Sometimes, you find this in the bathtub in the dark:

Please to turn the water on


In talking about curtains with Kim, I realized that the curtain rod in the yellow room was hung way too low for the shitty tab-top denim curtains that have always been in there. I was being handy, and decided to move the curtain rod up (this was partly selfish to darken that room even more, partly to make it look less dumb). After doing that, I found out that the stupid tab-top denim curtains were different lengths. YAY. So I ordered new navy blue curtains on Amazon, wooed by them being blackout and not denim. They are nice enough curtains, but they have shiny silver grommets at the top…so the thin black rod that was in there looked stupid. I had to get a fatter silver rod, so I wielded my drill a bit more. By then I was on my 3rd set of unsightly drill holes, so my little curtain project had to involve hole-filling and paint touch-up…and the can of yellow paint was rusted shut…nothing is ever easy…and curtains with grommets let a lot of light in at the top, which is a bummer. Anyway, the finished project looks OK:


February 15th was the pink game for the Lady Rockets. As is our custom, I bought 60 of the $6 tickets ($6 for a shirt and a ticket? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS???) and I got rid of some of them (15) and my Dad got rid of the rest to TTHers. The problems were many, though, this year. 1) The shirts were not available until Thursday (2 days before the game), and 2) my Dad hadn’t been back to work post-surgery until Monday (5 days before the game). It all worked out though…but not without me getting really irritated with the people at UT about the late availability of the shirts (and 3) they repeatedly ignored my inquiries). Not sure I will do that again. Here’s what the shirt looked like:


I make a big enough deal of it that pals will usually come to town for it (it IS fun). Kim and her family came in from Indy, and I managed to make her coerce a large group of her family and former neighbors to go too. Brian’s Aunt Beth and Uncle Jim sat with him in the good seats, I sat with Kim et al. near the band, and my Dad and Donna sat in the upper bowl with Donna’s daughter Monica and granddaughter Mia. We really do our part to try to bring in extra people. It’s fun. Here is my good friend Travy and his cousin Laina (in the best sweather ever) at the game:

Laina and Travy

Wednesday, my Dad, Donna, and I went up to Eastern Michigan for the Ladies’ game. Here are a couple pictures. It’s always fun to go up there because the UT fans far outnumber the EMU fans.

More Eastern


As is ALWAYS the case, we picked seats at Eastern that seemed good for about 3 minutes. As soon as we got comfortable in our seats, the most unpleasant of all Lady Rocket fans filled in around us. The 55 year old twin sisters who shriek “DEFENSE ROCKETS DEFENSE” and “TAKE YOUR TIME” (among other things) were to my right, and two obnoxious fan club higher-ups were behind us. At some point, an Eastern player hipchecked one of our players into the thingy that holds up the basket (stanchion?) and then smirked, so much smirking, and kept smirking. Eventually it was ruled a flagrant foul, but in the mean time, the fan club lady behind us was yelling things like “WHY DON’T YOU STOP SMIRKING AND TAKE SOME PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY!??!” which might be my favorite thing I have ever heard yelled at a sporting event. Overall, of course, their super-biased screaming to hear themselves scream was embarrassing and grating.

I have little else to report, other than that I have been enjoying the Master Gardener Volunteer classes that I’ve been able to go to. They are taught by smart people, which, as always, gets me super jazzed. The problem, as you may imagine, is my fellow classmates, who say things like “Wait, just so I have this straight, the photosynthesis does not occur in the roots like I’ve always thought? You’re saying it happens in the green parts of the plant??” Also, they waste a lot of time asking or commenting about stupid shit from their yard. LET THE PERSON WITH A PhD TALK…AND *NOT* ABOUT A COCOON YOU FOUND ON YOUR BIRDBATH, THAT’D BE SUPER.

This entry was posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, Cats and more cats, Craftiness, Domesticity!, Friends, House and Yard, Nature!, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!. Bookmark the permalink.

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