Rain Tribute

This past week, I got to take Tuesday off to go to the last class of the Master Gardener Volunteer class…for this I had to agree to take call Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, which made me sad. It turned out Tuesday’s class was a total waste of time.

Lecturer: What is a vegetable?
Idiot Classmate: The part of the plant that is not the fruit.
Another Idiot Classmate: Stuff that kids don’t want to eat.
Lecturer: These are all good answers.


Anyway. So now all that’s left is all the volunteering…50 hours this year. The problem with the volunteering that I HADN’T really planned on (I did briefly think about how it might be sort of difficult to do the volunteering as virtually the only non-retired person), is that it seems like 90% of Master Gardener Volunteers are annoying. So yeah. We’ll see about this. Really I should have just taken a horticulture class at Owens or something.

So the highlight of the week was seeing Rain Tribute at Stranahan with my Dad, Donna, and Brian. Very cool. I took some pictures from our shitty seats.

Waiting for the show to start:

Waiting for the show to start

This looks like it has had a filter applied, but it’s just a shitty picture:


Other pictures:

Let It Be Let It Be

Let It Be:


A cat singing Let It Be:

Hey Jude:

Hey Jude

This entry was posted in Cats and more cats, Family Time, Lame. Work., Master Gardener Volunteer, Parentals, Random Fun things. Bookmark the permalink.

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