Wednesday, we met my Dad and Donna downtown at the Huntington Center for Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour at the Huntington Center. While we were walking to Huntington from the Seagate Centre parking lot we usually park in, we saw that Nathan, his sister, and Heidi were walking ahead of us. We should have known Nathan would be going, since we saw the MJ movie in the theater with him.
I had never seen any Cirque du Soleil shows before, so I was excited. I really liked it. The costumes and the dancing and sets were cool, though I thought there’d be more bendy people. I suspect that maybe you get more bendies in Las Vegas (or even on the 1st leg of a tour where they go to bigger cities). Also, some of the songs in the first half I had never heard before, and I don’t really think I care to hear again, which is weird given all the hits MJ had. Brian’s favorite MJ song, Billie Jean, was sort of shortened and bastardized, which was a bummer. Regardless, it’s still the closest I’ll ever come to an MJ concert experience.
The show started with the stolen childhood aspect of MJ, and they had a Neverland gate and dancers dolled up to be statues of kids, and I think we all can agree that this is at least straddling the line between OK and heebie-jeebietown. This carried forward into the show with a child puppet thing and a dude who did a really good job mimicking the movement of a chimpanzee showing up several times.