Meltdown!, Zoo with Rando and Lis, June Yard Stuff

Mid-June, I made a Cathy-style radioactive mess at work. For my readership with the same job as me, here’s a (decayed, obvs) vial that spent time in the hotbox:


So that sucked. SUCH A MESS!

Anyway, after I got off work that Friday morning, Rando and Lis came up to go to the Zoo. Since we were so excited about the Africa! train, we rode it again, but it seems that the animals spend the daytime avoiding the train. Oh well.

Brian’s dingo:



Baby Meerkats!

We did get to spend slightly more time looking at the penguins in their new home this trip, which was nice.


The ‘Keet Retreat was not open when we went to ZooPal night, because the ‘keets needed to rest after opening day, so I was excited to see ‘keets:


Then the rain broke the people’s spirit, and we left the Zoo.

Rando and Lis headed home because they were soaked, and Brian and I went to Cinco de Mayo. My margarita:


I got into my kitty wine from New York after we got home from the restaurant, then I slept and slept since I had been up forever.

Kitty Wine

Onward to yard pictures…

Same mushroom, 24 hours apart:

Mushroom Day 1 Mushroom Day 2

Here’s my elephant ear plant on the front porch (that may or may not have scared Nasim away):

Elephant Ear Plant Elephant Ear Leaf

I’m semi-successfully growing a weird climby rose that I planted in the dumbest possible place:


Ostrich ferns have 2 different kinds of fronds – sterile (regular) and fertile fronds. The standy-uppy things in the center of this fern are the FERTILE FRONDS! (brown=last year, green=this year):


Cool hosta flower:

Cool Hosta Flower

The growth and flowering of this hollyhock was a drawn out spring/summer spectacle:

Hollyhock buds Holllyhock finally opening Hollyhock flower Hollyhock Stalk Hollyhock Stalk Tall

When I was in SF, I noticed a cool flower at Alcatraz. It looked like this:

SF Flower

Interestingly, this flower (mallow, or Lavatera) is the closest I’ve found, and it’s been planted in flower bed for a couple years. The rabbits have customarily given it such a haircut that I hadn’t seen it flower before this year.


According to the Garden Conservancy, it’s actually a hollyhock like my pink stalk flower above. INTERESTING!

Nathan’s lily flowered again this year. Good present!


Bonus office chair cat with half grown out hair:

Kitten Pants

This entry was posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Family Time, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Random Fun things, San Fran!. Bookmark the permalink.

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