Week Off, Recent Yard Stuff

OH MY GOD, THIS BLOGGING MARATHON IS GROWING SO TIRESOME! I’m going to power through though, as it was a goal of my staycation.

Last Saturday, we went to Tiffin for a cookout at Brian’s Uncle Jim and Aunt Beth’s…soooo much LeBron giddiness and free agency talk.

I was excited for Sunday, as one of my ex-students and I had bought tickets to see Sarah McLachlan at the Zoo. She informed me Sunday morning that she couldn’t go, but that I could come get her ticket and give it to whomever I could get to go to with me on short notice. Luckily, Brian realized that I had indeed talked the LeBron talk for more than a week and said he’d go. Sarah McLachlan is amazing in concert (though it’s possible the show was better last year when she had a symphony behind her).

Sarah McLachlan at the Zoo

Monday, was “A Night with Naama” at the Jewish Temple. My Dad, Donna, and I went, and it was weird. We ended up with the associate head and an assistant coach at our table asking us about who our favorite lady rocket is. So weird. It was nice to hear that Naama is doing well in Israel and seems happy. Here’s a picture from Twitter:

Naama Time

Here’s a picture that made me laugh because Kim’s kids dance to that song:

Cha Cha

I mostly did tasks this week, some that I came up with that morning, some that I had on a list.

This was the first…I extended the bed that runs along the back of the house to turn the corner of the house and planted a “Pinky Winky” hydrangea:

Rounding the Corner

Looking from that corner toward the patio:

Back Bed Toward Patio

(The yellow flowers are new: “Denver Daisy” rudbeckia):

Denver Daisies More Denver Daisies

Also notable that day, I saw a clearwing moth in person! I tried to get a picture, but it was having none of that. All I can tell you is that it was an abomination.

Last year, we saw a couple of “Devil’s Dipsticks,” but this year, there’s an area on the east side of the house where there has been at least one every day for a couple weeks…evidence:


On Wednesday, I planted these cool coneflowers for the new flower bed area:

Sombrero Coneflowers

My plan right now is to extend the flower bed the rest of the way on the west side of the house sometime this fall. I moved edgers out of the garage and set them along that side of the house.

The Future

I also moved some edgers to the new back bed, so that Thursday, I could put the edgers in around that bed:

Edgers around back bed

I also put my new hammock together:

New Hammock

Friday, after some starts and stops and various errands, I got the garage cleaned up:

Clean Garage

Saturday, I cleaned my car out and washed it, and then Brian washed his car. TASKS!

Today, I blogged and blogged.

Here are some other accumulated yard photos:

The bed on the side looks nice and colorful:

Colorful Side Side bed

The patio bed:

Patio Bed

Artsy pics with Brian’s camera:

Marigold Veronica Coneflower Elephant Ear Flower Columbine

I read somewhere that clematis likes to have their feet in the shade, so the last thing I added today was a few garden phlox in front of the clematis:

Garden Phlox

And now I have to work tomorrow, sad pandy :(

This entry was posted in Catch the Fever, Domesticity!, Family Time, Friends, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Nature!, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff. Bookmark the permalink.

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