What did I do with 5 days off, I don’t know

I started a draft of this post (and uploaded the pictures) more than a month ago now, and I’m not really sure where I was going with it…but I’m trying to sort of catch up (again) and thought I’d give this the old college try, or something.

The butterfly bushes certainly lived up to their name this summer.  Here’s an Eastern tiger swallowtail:

Yellow Butterfly

Perhaps more excitingly, I finally saw a Clearwing Moth myself. Bennett claims to see these all the time, but I didn’t believe him and he never took any pictures of this abomination animal:


It’s like a bee x hummingbird x butterfly x crawdad:

Flying crawdad

Here’s another butterfly I spotted – I *think* it is a Black Swallowtail:

Dark Butterfly

Some random flower pictures…a dahlia:


Gerber daisy:

Gerber Daisy

Red geranium + vinca vine:


Pictures of the side flower bed:



I cut the giant holly hock stalk down after harvesting the seeds from it, and with it’s newly reclaimed energy without the stalk to support, the base of the plant send some leaves up:

Holly Hock

Early August near the patio:

Back Bed

Ever more Devil’s Dipstick:

Devil's Dipstick

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