Rocket Football

Brian and I missed the UT-New Hampshire game, so the big Missouri game was our first of the season. I was excited to see the new scoreboard in action.

Brian bought 4 tickets on the west side of the Glass Bowl for his dad, his uncles, and himself. The game started at noon, but the Links arrived in Holland a little after 9 am. We went up to campus to hangout at Bossman’s tailgate for a while. Beers and a limited menu were enjoyed by the older Links.

Bossman was the Meijer Tailgater of the game! This was probably one of the lamest of his tailgates I’ve ever been to, seeing that the pre-game daylight hours were limited, but I’m glad he finally won. (Seriously, he has had tailgates where he made everyone personal pizzas with BBQ chicken, Za’atar spice, baba ghanoush, etc. before). He had a big ol’ bloody mary in his hand in the video that aired on the scoreboard.

Anyway, we showed the Links the Jambulance, and then we went into the stadium. The field from the south end:

From South End

A praying mantis threatens Uncle Ron:

Ron with a Mantis

Once we showed the Links how crappy the East side of the stadium is, they all went back to get in their seats and I went to our crappy fan plan seats and waited for my Dad and Donna to arrive. I was sad to find that the same assholes with GIGANTIC, obnoxious OSU stadium chairs still have the seats in front of ours. BOO.

The team now enters from the center of the north end zone. TOLEDO! (Don’t mind our pole):


The crowd was pretty good, especially for how wet the morning seemed:


I always enjoy the band, as you know:


Band on the giant new scoreboard:

Band on Giant Scoreboard

The Rockets lost badly to Missouri, so here’s another picture of the band:

More Band

After the game, we went back to Tiffin and had pizza and watched part of the OSU game with Brian’s parents.

This entry was posted in Catch the Fever, Delicious Meals and Food, Friends, HoneyBear, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!. Bookmark the permalink.

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