Less Sad Cat Stuff

The lady cats really came to our aid in the weeks following Harvard’s death. Here’s Alley looking concerned because I was crying:


I ordered this cool Flounder on sale…but the cats are not particularly enthused:

Into the Flounder

Alley says no to the flounder

After two VERY dark weeks in the Beach-Link household and some flirting with the idea of getting a purebred cat, we went to Petsmart to a Planned Pethood event “just to see.” Brian immediately noticed “Durango,” and we ended up in the little cat-meeting room, where I shed some tears. We filled out some forms and met Durango’s foster mom, and then we were on our way home with a new family member. We took him to the yellow room with his own food, water, and litterbox. Here are some early pics of him:

Wallace Wally by bed Wally in catbed Catselfie Vidya games Sometimes lapcat

We named him Wally after Wally Szszcerbiak. He is a precious, precious asshole.

Wally on jeans

He loves danger:


He’s sort of lazy about standing while drinking:

Don't get up

Every so often he gets in the fish for a second or the M&M for a little bit longer:

In the feeish

The lady cats continue to be non-plussed with Walter. They are also not pleased that we repaid their post-Harvard kindness by bringing them a new brother.

Frequently asked question: What happened to his ear?
Frequently answered answer: He was feral, and they caught him and his littermates to spay/neuter them, and ear clipping is used to mark feral cats who have already been fixed. While the Humane Ohio people had him, they realized he was quite the charmer, so he was sent to Planned Pethood to find a home.

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