Cavs Mania

With being a bad blogger does come the luxury of combining several events that would have been individual posts had I been blogging like I should have.

So, faithful readers will remember our household excitement regarding LeBron’s return. After some of the cousins’ mentioning that we should have a Cavs’ opening night celebration, the gears really started turning in my brain. Unfortunately, the cousins are turds and were all talk about actually attending such a party, and my little party had a max attendance of 4. Oh well, it was cool nonetheless:

Cavs Food

Cavs Food 2

Cavs Food 3

Post-party, this tweet-favoriting created quite the buzz:


We are each entered in the Cavs’ single game ticket lottery, and Brian won the opportunity to buy tickets for a November game. After a bunch of discussion and hubbub, B bought 4 tickets to the Cavs vs. Hawks game on November 15. A ticket became part of Brian’s Dad’s Christmas present, and Bossman bought the 4th ticket.

The scoreboard is gigantic:

Wild Thing Kermit

Cavs vs. Hawks



We were extremely lucky and our very decent ($$) seats were for, like, the most fun game ever. The Cavs made their first 11 three-point shots, etc., etc. Here is the score at half-time:

Halftime Score

There are two things that would have made the game better…More Mike Miller and any Matthew DellaveDoveBar. Here’s DellaveDoveBar in a suit, small-like:

Dellavedove bar

Cavs won, of course:

Cavs Win!

Four days later, we went to Cleveland for another game…this time with Nathan and his dad, using the season tickets that Nathan is part-owner of. Before the game, Nathan wanted to take his dad, who had never been to a casino before, gambling. Here’s a picture of gambling (and winning!):


We got to the Q and our seats were much less awesome (but have no fear: much cheaper, and who cares anyway when you get to go and also you get to see the Spurs play the new Cavs…even with a dead spot on the smaller scoreboard):

Dead Pixel

Bonus: it was Hulk Hogan night(!) and Hulk was there, brother!:


So was Cy Young winner Corey Kluber:


The University of Toledo has a deal with the Q, like they do with Comerica, for UT advertising…check out the high profile TOL:


Anyway, the Cavs lost, but it was a good game, and we got to see San Antonio…including the NBA’s first female assistant coach, Becky Hammon (woohooo!).

Almost 2 weeks later, we were given the opportunity to buy Nathan’s group’s season tickets, as the ticket owners all work at the same place and had to go to their holiday party (boooo). We picked up Brian’s friend Nick on the way into town, and Nick’s wife Gina met us at the Q.

Game #3

I don’t have any pictures from the rafters of Mike Miller playing, which is kind of a bummer. I do, however, have this MS Paint-labeled photo of the celebs in attendance, some of whom we’ve seen naked pictures of!:


Cavs Win!

Cavs Win!

Also Cavs-related, an awesome painting of Zydrunas IlguasKiss Cookies:


This entry was posted in Friends, HoneyBear, It's weird to watch people play games for money. Bookmark the permalink.

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