Terrible UT Sports Marketing

Just today, I got a call from a guy named Kyle who introduced himself as my personal ticket representative in the ticket office at UT. FINALLY! I have finally purchased enough tickets to make UT care about me slightly! The past few years we bought 50-60 tickets to the Rockets for the Cure pink game, and I think that’s what did it. My Dad always tells me I should get a new job fixing everything that the athletic department does that is stupid. I think I can probably parlay having a personal ticket representative into solving every problem ever.

Here is the first problem I want to solve: Bad marketing graphics. Please see the below samples of the terrible, terrible art that UT consistently puts out…so many rocket boners (look carefully), so much terrible shading, so many blocked faces or eyes, and so so many terrible facial expressions that make average to pretty girls look like trolls. WHYYYYYYYYYYY UT WHYYYYYYYYYY

Bonertown Watermelon Spitting Jay Ann Bad MBB art Boner Lauf Jada No Eye Razz Janice Bad Art Brenae Boner Sophie Boner Nathan Leprechaun
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