Tuesday was Day 30 of my Whole 30. I really was tempted to get fast food (or any food really) on Monday when I was in Tiffin for Brian’s migraine, but I didn’t…I made it 30 whole days without any added sugar or any of the other things I cut out to follow the Whole30. I felt really good, both in general and about the accomplishment. I had been wavering between extending it out and wallowing in processed foods after the 30 days were up…which should really have MADE me extend it out, but as I’ve stated melodramatically, I am terrified of tomorrow’s oral surgery (yes, I know, I’m a wuss and people have this all the time, eff yourself)…so I decided that Wednesday and today would be free, gluttonous days. I probably won’t even eat much the next few days, and once I’m mostly recovered, I’m going to do a new Whole30, with the intention of maybe doing a Whole 60 or 90 and seeing how that is. I obviously did not do it long enough this time, though I do think I made some progress…but not so much progress that I could ignore the giant tub of Halloween candy on our counter indefinitely or that stress would not cause a fatty pity party.
Here’s me, I did let it be me…well maybe not quite so bad:
Also, it’s funny that I had decided to be a RESPONSIBILITY CHAMPION! because of Whole30 and schedule the wisdom teeth surgery – because that pretty much led to the demise of my big plans to keep eating paleo, at least temporarily.
I wish I had made myself write about the Whole 30 on Tuesday, but alas, I did not…and now I’ve had pizza and ice cream and am a gross sloth of doomy apprehension.
At any rate…I should try to sum up my Whole30 experience, I suppose.
Things that were pleasing and/or went well: I made some progress in my hatred of cooking. I made some tasty Whole30 food and tried out some recipes. The first 2-2.5 weeks I spent more time planning and pre-cooking, and that worked out really well. I made decent choices when put on the spot…maybe not the most ideal, but decent. I have a lot of spices now, so some of the initial expense of cooking is out of the way. I allowed myself to not fret (much) about my weight (I did lose a little bit) and ate 3 meals/day most days. I didn’t miss things like I thought that I would until I opened the door to the idea of these cheat days pre-surgery.
Things that could have gone better: Night shift is a dirty whore. I didn’t plan well enough for night shift, and I didn’t sleep enough when I worked nights (either night shift week this month)…I’ve let myself get a little derailed in my running since I scheduled my wisdom teeth surgery and knew that the Detroit Half was out of the question. I had too much fruit and nut butter the last week or so…I was just counting down the days by then, which I need to get over.
Things I’d do differently: I need to reread the It Starts with Food book now that I’m more familiar with eating/cooking this way. I need to get more organized with recipes and planning and food-using. I need to take before/along the way pictures next time. I need to go to Andersons Whole Market or whatever it’s called and get some new and different things. I need to be more aware of omega 3 vs. omega 6, etc.