I’m Alive!

I survived my wisdom teeth surgery…so far, anyway. I remember the laughing gas and the surgeon dude saying I’d feel a slight pinch as he put the IV in, but there was no counting down backwards or any of that business. The first things I remember were when I woke up asking for my teeth, plus there was a nurse (or something) lady there with a navy blue scrub shirt and gold scrubs on so I kept trying to ask her if she went to UT (I was a bit difficult to understand at that point, but luckily the other nurse lady knew what I was trying to say).

They fetched Brian when the had me walk to the “recovery room,” and I felt OK. I asked what drugs they gave me (I think Brian translated and told them that I’m a pharmacist) – fentanyl, Versed, and Brevital…anesthesia didn’t make me puke, and I had been really nervous because of our infamous inability to rouse Matthew after he had his wisdom teeth taken out (we called 911!), but I didn’t have any problems. The nurse lady said I asked for my teeth at just the right time, but they could only give me the top 2 – the partially impacted bottom wisdom teeth did not fair so well – and she warned me that adult teeth are considered biohazards, whereas children’s teeth are not (the more you know…also I’m totally going to stab someone with my grody biohazard teeth):

My gross yellow wisdom teeth are so different than I imagined – teeth look so pretty on x-rays. Also, I think there’s a cavity in the one on the right, kind of in the middle of the picture – bullet dodged!

Brian has been an excellent caregiver – he has a pill schedule and has been helping me with gauze and water and my frozen pea bags to hold on my cheeks. I didn’t eat anything for a long time and after I took my second Percocet of the day, I passed out in the kitchen when I was in there enjoying some water, so Nurse Brian made me eat applesauce and pudding. Subsequently I had some ice cream and am feeling kind of decent.

I think that it has all gone pretty well so far…I can tell the Percocet is wearing off, so I’ll probably get one at 12 or 1 and then try to sleep through the night.

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