Turkey Day

I decided to host Thanksgiving this year. This was the first time that I did most of the cooking (Full Disclosure: Lis made the green bean casserole and the gravy).

Last night, I made two different cranberry sauces (Whole30 and regular), some applesauce, and I pre-peeled white and sweet potatoes. Here’s Harvard helping me with sweet potatoes:

Brian did a bunch of house cleaning last night to get ready for our guests.

This morning, I went and ran in the Smoke the Turkey 5k and actually bothered to run for the first time in about a month, and it was not terrible. Some people had some terrific Thanksgiving hats that made me jealous.

At 11, we started our great spatchcocking adventure. Here are some pictures of the turkey carnage:

We neglected to take a picture of the splayed-out bird before we put it in the oven, but here are some oven pictures:

Here’s the finished product looking like a turkey whore:

Before everyone got here, we took a couple picture:

Everybody was hangin’ chillin’ after dinner:

I ate all Whole30 things during dinner. After everybody left and Brian was napping, I had my holiday cheat treat (delicious, delicious ice cream).

On that note, here is evidence that Americans not having diabetes is newsworthy:

This entry was posted in Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, Family Time, Holiday Awesomeness, My fat ass, Parentals, Thanksgiving, Whole30. Bookmark the permalink.

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