OSU-UM game

Friday Night, we headed to Tiffin so we could attend Kegs and Eggs Saturday morning bright and early. Kegs and Eggs wasn’t quite the production that it sometimes is, but the actual food was better than it has been:

This was the first year that I did not get a shirt. The back of the shirts was OK, but the front (again) said, “You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning” or something similar and dumb. I think I ended up donating the first Kegs and Eggs shirt that I got that said that because, um, that’s not really my style.

We got to the Clover Club at 6, and it was pretty empty…by the time we left after 7, there was a decent crowd. The Links start their OSU-UM day early:

(That picture is not very good, but I think any picture taken that early in the morning is going to be bad…)

Some other Clover Club pictures:

After Kegs and Eggs, we went back to Brian’s parents’ house and most of us took naps. This year, we did not go to the Legion (!) because they didn’t rent an additional TV or something. Instead, we went to outbuilding/bar at Brian’s cousin Doug’s house. When we got there, Chang the Chow got in our car:

The Australian thinks chows are cute, so here are some more pictures:

Here’s a picture of the Link bar:

Right before we left, Brian spent some quality time with Ethan:

Ethan reminds me of Matthew when he was younger a little bit – he’s a bit of a hoarder (apparently he introduces himself that way) and has a little tool/project area that he can hang out in for hours. I bet he likes to hang out outside like Matthew did.

Collin also came around. He ate d-Con the night before but obviously was not harmed.

More Chang pictures:

Here’s Ethan in a barrel making me help him find “pieces of boat” in the barrel:

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2 Responses to OSU-UM game

  1. The Australian says:


    Ethan’s pretty cute, too.

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