
So I stopped running before I got my wisdom teeth out because I am a tard. Every day I get up and think to myself, “this is the day I’m going to run on the treadmill.” Then, I’m like, “No. No, it is not.” The only running I have done is the Smoke the Turkey 5k on Thanksgiving morning. I had signed up for the 12.12.12k a long time ago, mostly because I did the 10.10.10k and the 11.11.11k and wanted to finish the End of the World Series.

The 10.10.10k was on a Sunday morning (at 10:10) at Pearson Park, and the 11.11.11k was a Friday night (at 11:11) at Levis Commons in Perrysburg. The 12.12.12k was on a Tuesday night (Wednesday morning) at 12:12 am. By magic, I was done with my work week Tuesday afternoon because I worked last weekend and was hording days off. I was nervous about doing this race because it seemed like one that would be terrible for a slow person like myself, especially if I had to walk. Smallish races have few slow people, and I knew the course would be loops in the dark around Levis Commons. Plus, and most importantly, I didn’t want to be the asshole all the race director-type people were waiting on at 2am.

There ended up being more than 300 people at the race…though when I was waiting in my car at 11:30pm frantically texting some peeps demanding they talk me into staying and doing the race, every single one of the people milling around was tiny and cute and wearing spandex (I am/was none of those things these days). Luckily I stayed and ran the race. I ended up “running” the whole way, which is a 12.12.12 miracle, since 12k is 7.46 miles. It took me for-fucking-ever, and there were only 11 people who actually finished behind me (I bet there were people who started it and didn’t finish that I also was better than, hooray for me!).

Also cool: meteor shower / shooting stars during the race!

Here’s a picture of my cool t-shirt (word on the street is that the numbers glow in the dark) that matches my 10.10.10k and 11.11.11k shirts:

Because I POWERED THROUGH and plodded the whole way, I was more sore than post-half-marathon for about 3 days. It felt like my calf muscle was cut in half, and holy shit! stairs.

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