Random Recent Things

One time, Harvard the cat forgot he hates me and sat on my leg for, like, 30 seconds. This was on 12.12.12, so it’s possible he was confused and thought the world was ending, or something. It was a weird time:


Oh, check these out…I bought these handwarmers on Amazon and they plug into USB ports to keep your hands “toasty”:

So Toasty

I took some of my Australian goodies to work for my coworkers to admire and covet. Here’s a scary Sasquatch-looking dude wearing my cork hat:

Creepy Dude

Friday, we had to pick up the house because we had guests coming that night…BabyCat resisted my bed-making:

All Tucked In

After I finally wrestled the cat out from under the covers, I went outside to do a cold-weather chore that was super fun: hacking the shit out of the spirea out front:


That day was pretty warm, so I went for a walk after my token yard work. I saw this gigantic Santy not far from our house. The air compressor (or whatever) is kind of loud to listen to all the time. I’m glad our neighbors have too small of front yards for shit like that.

Giant Santa

This entry was posted in Cats and more cats, Domesticity!, Friends, House and Yard, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff. Bookmark the permalink.

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