Last Lady Rocket post until next season

I’ve been walking with Kim and her kid(s) and dog a couple of times this week when it was decent weather…Travis used to be quiet, but now he’s a terrible spaz…leaving Anthony as the good one:

The Good One

More superusing has been happening…lots of moving stuff and reorganizing done by boys…Here are some pictures I took when I went in for a bit on Friday to check on the progress:

WHAT? Team Work Makes The Dream Work

Just when I was getting over the heartbreak of losing some of my favorite Lady Rockets to graduation, the bandaid was ripped off again today when my Dad, his Lady friend, and I went to the reception/banquet thing at Savage. The first half hour was raffle/silent auction schmoozy time. Then they played a really awesome highlight video, gave out some awards, and then the seniors all talked and thanked and thanked some more. Naama thanking people was super intense…she said she didn’t think she’d make it a month here, but she stayed 5 years, and she had so many good things to say about her teammates, coaches, and the community (really, all 5 seniors did)…quite the reminder why the program has the following that it does. Additionally, we don’t get to see the Lady Rockets looking snazzy very often, and what do you know, they clean up nice (not a very good picture since we didn’t have very close seats…all the better for my tearfulness):

Lady Rockets

Anyway, 3 players aren’t coming back next year – one was no surprise, but at least of the others was kind of a shocker – and we heard later about another Spanish player they signed for next year. Interesting turn of events. So international!

This is the poster thing I won with raffle tickets and then had to chase Kyle around to have it signed:

I won this!

And this is the thing I got in the silent auction (I also got my dad a signed Lecretia jersey, but didn’t take a picture of it before he took it):

I bought this!

This entry was posted in Catch the Fever, Friends, Lame. Work., Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!. Bookmark the permalink.

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