We survived “Deployment”…so far.

So last week was deployment week. I was freaking out trying to have everything perfect for when the deployment team got there, and I was lead to believe that the week would be jam-packed with activity. It turned out, I think, that since I’m not retarded and did a kind of OK job, much of the frantic work I expected was eliminated. I wasn’t quite sure what I was supposed to be doing most of the time. I worked days Monday-Wednesday, and then came back Wednesday night to work early Thursday morning, when we dispensed in the new system for the first time.

Oh, before I get ahead of myself, here’s Dave doing the first elution in the new system Wednesday afternoon:

The First Elution

And here’s Justin drawing the first dose…(and if it wasn’t actually the first dose, this is exactly what it looked like when he drew the first dose):

First Dose

So Thursday morning was kind of a clustercuss…lots of stuff out late and we found some things I forgot to take care of while we were knee-deep in chaos, but the “team” said that’s how it almost always goes (which of course made me pissed at myself because I wanted us to be above average). Second run went better, except for the system going down for a while, but overall, I was relieved that we had survived the first night. I finally went home after being there 10+ hours, and I told Brian I wasn’t going to sleep much because I wanted to be able to sleep Thursday night. I promptly slept on the couch for about 6 hours. I still went to sleep early that evening and was still beat when I got up for work Friday morning.

Here are some pictures from Friday that illustrate the good attitude everyone continues (hopefully) to have and their willingness to learn:

Dudes Old Dudes

I took this picture as I was leaving Saturday, I like it because it has a crack and the Syncor S is still visible:


Additionally, Friday night, I finally saw Nasim…we’d seen his poop, but not him yet this season:


Anyway, after all the hubbub, it was nice to just chillax this weekend and not have to worry about all my SUPERUSER responsibilities, knowing that we were deployed and it’s been a success so far…rechargy! I did tasks like edging and hose repair and didn’t have to think about GOING LIVE! at all. It was terrific (until I go back to work tomorrow and we have to figure out all sorts of new oddball things…).

This entry was posted in House and Yard, Lame. Work., Random Fun things, Stupid stuff. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to We survived “Deployment”…so far.

  1. Chiara says:

    Nasim! <3

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