Pickledy Pickle

I should be in bed, but I’m having a hard time taking this week seriously because of the holiday. I’m sure I’ll be super tired tomorrow.

I am trying a pickle recipe that involves no vinegar – just water and salt and garlic and dill, sitting out on the counter for 3 days or until you’re happy with the degree of pickling. Tomorrow is day 3 (also they no longer look this fresh and safe to eat):

Pickled Pickles

Today we went to pick up the veggies at the farm, and this is the week that I get double the veggies because Kim and her family are at Great Aunt Jean’s. Here’s baby cat investigating the veggie surplus:

Kitten eating fennel

Let’s talk about beets for a minute. I couldn’t remember tasting beets, but I remember my mom was always eating pickled beets. I asked a couple of people what you do with beets. Between pickling them and roasting them, I decided to just go ahead and pickle them since my dad seemed pretty stoked on pickled beets in salads. I followed an internet recipe – I boiled them for ~30 minutes, peeled, chopped, put them in jars, and then filled the jars with a vinegar/beet water mixture. The smell of beets reminded me of my mom and really kind of made me ill…I will probably taste them when they’re done pickling (I think this recipe also said to taste them at 3 days) but I’m pretty sure I’m not into beets. Anyway, my dad’s about to get two jars semi-full of beets that might be grossly pickled:

Pickled Beets



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